Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Reason To Be

I'm no different than the people I know. When it comes to money,  my focus is on the checkbook balance, credit card payments, rent, and groceries, and fingers crossed for a bit extra for clothes and entertainment. These days I've become a cash sieve; get paid on Friday and by Monday waiting for Friday again. Don't you?

I never studied business or financial matters; the arts took center stage in my education. I've performed on stage, on television/films and I've published two novellas and written a screenplay with a day job in retail. A good life. Once. Now not so much. The holes in the sieve have gotten bigger. Holding onto to the value of my earnings has become more of a challenge, so I've been reading to educate myself. A lot. So many books. So many blogs. So many YouTube videos. 

The surprising thing is almost all of the books and blogs and videos carry the same message: the world is changing. How business is conducted is changing. The value of currency has changed. All these changes are moving to a new rhythm and so we need to get in step if we're to maintain our standard of living. If we are to survive.

Survive? Your eyebrows just raised. Yes. The coming changes are matters of life and death, or mastery v. slavery if you prefer. I could recommend all the books I've read, the blog, and the videos, but I want to help, not overwhelm. So I'll share quotes. On occasion my own opinion. Put in my two cents.

Except due to inflation, my two cents is now five. My goal is to help you close some of the holes in your sieve and preserve the value of what you do to earn a living.


1 comment:

  1. It sounds like your story is similar to my own. I look forward to reading more of your 5Cent Notions!
